Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial
KRD Group

The CuikSuite Project


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "htransform.h"
00003 #include "error.h"
00005 #include <math.h>
00006 #include <string.h>
00018 /*THTransforms[i][j] -> row i   column j */
00026 const THTransform matrix_identity={{1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0},
00027                                    {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0},
00028                                    {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0},
00029                                    {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}};
00039 #define MATRIX_INT_COPY(td,to) memcpy((td),(to),sizeof(THTransform))
00043 /*
00044  * Returns the identity matrix in t
00045  */
00046 void HTransformIdentity(THTransform *t /*Resulting matrix*/
00047                     )
00048 {
00049   MATRIX_INT_COPY((*t),&matrix_identity);
00050 }
00052 /*
00053 * Copies to in td
00054 */
00055 void HTransformCopy(THTransform *t_dst, /*HTransform where to copy the original*/
00056                     THTransform *t_src  /*Original matrix*/
00057                     )
00058 {
00059   MATRIX_INT_COPY((*t_dst),(*t_src));
00060 }
00062 /*
00063  * Returns a matrix that produces a translation of size tx along axis x.
00064  */
00065 void HTransformTx(double tx, /*Translation parameter*/
00066                   THTransform *t /*Resulting matrix*/
00067                   )
00068 {
00069   MATRIX_INT_COPY(*t,&matrix_identity);
00070   (*t)[AXIS_X][AXIS_H]=tx;
00071 }
00073 /*
00074  * Returns a matrix that produces a translation of size ty along axis y.
00075  */
00076 void HTransformTy(double ty, /*Translation parameter*/
00077                   THTransform *t /*Resulting matrix*/
00078                   )
00079 {
00080   MATRIX_INT_COPY(*t,&matrix_identity);
00081   (*t)[AXIS_Y][AXIS_H]=ty;
00082 }
00084 /*
00085  * Returns a matrix that produces a translation of size tz along axis z.
00086  */
00087 void HTransformTz(double tz, /*Translation parameter*/
00088                   THTransform *t /*Resulting matrix*/
00089                   )
00090 {
00091   MATRIX_INT_COPY(*t,&matrix_identity);
00092   (*t)[AXIS_Z][AXIS_H]=tz;
00093 }
00095 /*
00096  * Returns a matrix that produces a translation of size tx along axis x,
00097  * of size ty along axis y, and along tz along axis z.
00098  */
00099 void HTransformTxyz(double tx, /*Translation parameter along the x axis*/
00100                     double ty, /*Translation parameter along the y axis*/
00101                     double tz, /*Translation parameter along the z axis*/
00102                     THTransform *t /*Resulting matrix*/
00103                     )
00104 {
00105   MATRIX_INT_COPY(*t,&matrix_identity);
00106   (*t)[AXIS_X][AXIS_H]=tx;
00107   (*t)[AXIS_Y][AXIS_H]=ty;
00108   (*t)[AXIS_Z][AXIS_H]=tz;
00109 }
00111 /*
00112  * Returns a matrix that produces a rotation of size rx around axis x.
00113  */
00114 void HTransformRx(double rx, /*Rotation parameter*/
00115                   THTransform *t /*Resulting matrix*/
00116                   )
00117 {
00118   double s,c;
00120   s=sin(rx);
00121   c=cos(rx);
00123   MATRIX_INT_COPY(*t,&matrix_identity);
00124   (*t)[AXIS_Y][AXIS_Y]=c; (*t)[AXIS_Y][AXIS_Z]=-s;
00125   (*t)[AXIS_Z][AXIS_Y]=s; (*t)[AXIS_Z][AXIS_Z]= c;
00126 }
00128 /*
00129  * Returns a matrix that produces a rotation of size rt around axis y.
00130  */
00131 void HTransformRy(double ry, /*Rotation parameter*/
00132                   THTransform *t /*Resulting matrix*/
00133                   )
00134 {
00135   double s,c;
00137   s=sin(ry);
00138   c=cos(ry);
00140   MATRIX_INT_COPY(*t,&matrix_identity);
00141   (*t)[AXIS_X][AXIS_X]= c; (*t)[AXIS_X][AXIS_Z]=s;
00142   (*t)[AXIS_Z][AXIS_X]=-s; (*t)[AXIS_Z][AXIS_Z]=c;
00143 }
00145 /*
00146  * Returns a matrix that produces a rotation of size rz around axis z.
00147  */
00148 void HTransformRz(double rz, /*Rotation parameter*/
00149                   THTransform *t /*Resulting matrix*/
00150                   )
00151 {
00152   double s,c;
00154   s=sin(rz);
00155   c=cos(rz);
00157   MATRIX_INT_COPY(*t,&matrix_identity);
00158   (*t)[AXIS_X][AXIS_X]=c; (*t)[AXIS_X][AXIS_Y]=-s;
00159   (*t)[AXIS_Y][AXIS_X]=s; (*t)[AXIS_Y][AXIS_Y]=c;
00160 }
00162 /*
00163  * Init a rotation matrix around the x axis from a sinus and cosinus value 
00164  */
00165 void HTransformRx2(double s,double c,THTransform *t)
00166 {
00167   MATRIX_INT_COPY(*t,&matrix_identity);
00168   (*t)[AXIS_Y][AXIS_Y]=c; (*t)[AXIS_Y][AXIS_Z]=-s;
00169   (*t)[AXIS_Z][AXIS_Y]=s; (*t)[AXIS_Z][AXIS_Z]= c;
00170 }
00172 /*
00173  * Init a rotation matrix around the y axis from a sinus and cosinus value 
00174  */
00175 void HTransformRy2(double s,double c,THTransform *t)
00176 {
00177   MATRIX_INT_COPY(*t,&matrix_identity);
00178   (*t)[AXIS_X][AXIS_X]= c; (*t)[AXIS_X][AXIS_Z]=s;
00179   (*t)[AXIS_Z][AXIS_X]=-s; (*t)[AXIS_Z][AXIS_Z]=c;
00180 }
00182 /*
00183  * Init a rotation matrix around the z axis from a sinus and cosinus value 
00184  */
00185 void HTransformRz2(double s,double c,THTransform *t)
00186 {
00187   MATRIX_INT_COPY(*t,&matrix_identity);
00188   (*t)[AXIS_X][AXIS_X]=c; (*t)[AXIS_X][AXIS_Y]=-s;
00189   (*t)[AXIS_Y][AXIS_X]=s; (*t)[AXIS_Y][AXIS_Y]=c;
00190 }
00192 /*
00193  * Returns a transformation matrix of size v along/arond the desired
00194  * axis. There are six predefined constants (TX,TY,TZ,RX,RY,RX) to
00195  * facilitate the use of this function.
00196  */
00197 void HTransformCreate(unsigned int dof_r3, /*DOF*/
00198                       double v,            /*displacement along/around the DOF*/
00199                       THTransform *t           /*Resulting matrix*/
00200                       )
00201 {
00202   switch (dof_r3)
00203     {
00204     case TX:
00205       HTransformTx(v,t);
00206       break;
00207     case TY:
00208       HTransformTy(v,t);
00209       break;
00210     case TZ:
00211       HTransformTz(v,t);
00212       break;
00213     case RX:
00214       HTransformRx(v,t);
00215       break;
00216     case RY:
00217       HTransformRy(v,t);
00218       break;
00219     case RZ:
00220       HTransformRz(v,t);
00221       break;
00222     }
00223 }
00225 /*
00226  * Modifies the value of the element of row i and column j of the matrix t and
00227  * sets it to v.
00228 */
00229 void HTransformSetElement(unsigned int i, /*row*/
00230                           unsigned int j, /*column*/
00231                           double v,       /*New value*/
00232                           THTransform *t  /*HTransform to be modified*/
00233                           ) 
00234 {
00235   if ((i<AXIS_H)&&(j<=AXIS_H))
00236     (*t)[i][j]=v;
00237   else
00238     Error("Element out of range in HTransformSetElement");
00239 }
00241 /*
00242  * Returns the element of row i and column j of matrix t
00243  */
00245 double HTransformGetElement(unsigned int i,/*row*/ 
00246                             unsigned int j,/*column*/
00247                             THTransform *t     /*HTransform to be queried*/
00248                             )
00249 {  
00250   if ((i<AXIS_H)&&(j<=AXIS_H))
00251    return((*t)[i][j]);
00252   else
00253     Error("Element out of range in HTransformGetElement");
00254   return(0.0);
00255 }
00257 /*
00258  * Makes the product of two matrixes and returns it on t3.
00259  *                     t3=t1*t2
00260  * The procedure is safe enough and enables t3 no to be
00261  * different from t1 or t2.
00262  */
00263 void HTransformProduct(THTransform *t1, /*First matrix*/
00264                        THTransform *t2, /*Second matrix*/
00265                        THTransform *t3  /*Resulting matrix*/
00266                        ) 
00267 {
00268   THTransform t4;
00269   unsigned int i,j,k;
00271   for(i=0;i<(DIM_SP+1);i++)
00272     {
00273       for(j=0;j<(DIM_SP+1);j++)
00274         {
00275           t4[i][j]=0.0;
00276           for(k=0;k<(DIM_SP+1);k++)
00277             {
00278               t4[i][j]+=(*t1)[i][k]*(*t2)[k][j];
00279             }
00280         }
00281     }
00283   MATRIX_INT_COPY(*t3,&t4);
00284 }
00286 /*
00287  * Makes the addition of two matrixes and returns it on t3.
00288  *                     t3=t1+t2
00289  * The procedure is safe enough and enables t3 no to be
00290  * different from t1 or t2.
00291  */
00292 void HTransformAdd(THTransform *t1, /*First matrix*/
00293                    THTransform *t2, /*Second matrix*/
00294                    THTransform *t3  /*Resulting matrix*/
00295                    )
00296 {
00297   THTransform t4;
00298   unsigned int i,j;
00300   for(i=0;i<(DIM_SP+1);i++)
00301     {
00302       for(j=0;j<(DIM_SP+1);j++)
00303         {
00304           t4[i][j]=(*t1)[i][j]+(*t2)[i][j];
00305         }
00306     }
00308   MATRIX_INT_COPY(*t3,&t4);
00309 }
00311 /*
00312  * Invert t and returns the results on ti.
00313  * Description of the inversion method:
00314  *  t=t_trans*t_rot
00315  *  t-1=t_rot-1*t_trans-1 
00316  *    t_rot-1=t_rot transposed
00317  *    t_trans-1=-t_trans
00318  */
00319 void HTransformInverse(THTransform *t, /*Input matrix*/
00320                        THTransform *ti /*Resulting matrix (inverse of the input one)*/
00321                        )
00322 {
00323   THTransform t_trans;
00324   THTransform t_rot;
00325   unsigned int i,j;
00327   MATRIX_INT_COPY(&t_trans,&matrix_identity);
00328   MATRIX_INT_COPY(&t_rot,&matrix_identity);
00330   t_trans[AXIS_X][AXIS_H]=-(*t)[AXIS_X][AXIS_H];
00331   t_trans[AXIS_Y][AXIS_H]=-(*t)[AXIS_Y][AXIS_H];
00332   t_trans[AXIS_Z][AXIS_H]=-(*t)[AXIS_Z][AXIS_H];
00334   for(i=0;i<AXIS_H;i++)
00335     {
00336       for(j=0;j<AXIS_H;j++)
00337         t_rot[i][j]=(*t)[j][i];
00338     }
00340   HTransformProduct(&t_rot,&t_trans,ti);
00341 }
00343 void HTransformOrthonormalize(THTransform *t,THTransform *ta)
00344 {
00345   THTransform t_new;
00346   double c,n;
00347   unsigned int i;
00349   MATRIX_INT_COPY(&t_new,&matrix_identity);
00351   /*normalize the first vector*/
00352   n=0.0;
00353   for(i=0;i<3;i++)
00354     n+=((*t)[i][0]*(*t)[i][0]);
00355   n=sqrt(n);
00356   for(i=0;i<3;i++)
00357     t_new[i][0]=(*t)[i][0]/n;
00359   /*substract from the second vector, the projection of the 
00360     second vector onto the first one (i.e., keep an the part of the
00361     second vector that is orthononal to the first one). */
00362   c=0.0; /*cosinus between the two vectors*/
00363   for(i=0;i<3;i++)
00364     c+=(t_new[i][0]*(*t)[i][1]);
00365   for(i=0;i<3;i++)
00366     t_new[i][1]=(*t)[i][1]-c*t_new[i][0];
00368   /*normalize the second vector*/
00369   n=0.0;
00370   for(i=0;i<3;i++)
00371     n+=(t_new[i][1]*t_new[i][1]);
00372   n=sqrt(n);
00373   for(i=0;i<3;i++)
00374     t_new[i][1]=t_new[i][1]/n;
00376   /*The third vector is the cross product of the two first*/
00377   t_new[0][2]= t_new[1][0]*t_new[2][1]-t_new[1][1]*t_new[2][0];
00378   t_new[1][2]=-t_new[0][0]*t_new[2][1]+t_new[0][1]*t_new[2][0];
00379   t_new[2][2]= t_new[0][0]*t_new[1][1]-t_new[0][1]*t_new[1][0];
00381   /*The translation is just copied*/
00382   for(i=0;i<3;i++)
00383     t_new[i][AXIS_H]=(*t)[i][AXIS_H];
00385   MATRIX_INT_COPY(*ta,&t_new);
00386 }
00388 void HTransformX2Vect(double ry,double rz,double *p1,double *p2,THTransform *t)
00389 {
00390   double x,y,z,l,theta,phi,h;
00391   THTransform s,r1,r2;
00393   x=p2[0]-p1[0];
00394   y=p2[1]-p1[1];
00395   z=p2[2]-p1[2]; 
00397   l=sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);
00399   theta=atan2(y,x); /*rotation in z*/
00400   h=sqrt(x*x+y*y);
00401   phi=-atan2(z,h); /*rotation in y*/
00403   /*Scale matrix*/
00404   HTransformIdentity(&s);
00405   HTransformSetElement(0,0,l,&s);
00406   HTransformSetElement(1,1,ry,&s);
00407   HTransformSetElement(2,2,rz,&s);
00410   /*Rotation around Y*/
00411   HTransformRy(phi,&r1);
00413   /*Rotation around Z*/
00414   HTransformRz(theta,&r2);
00416   /*translation to the origin*/
00417   HTransformTxyz(p1[0],p1[1],p1[2],t);
00419   /*accumulate the transform from last to first*/
00420   HTransformProduct(t,&r2,t);
00421   HTransformProduct(t,&r1,t);
00422   HTransformProduct(t,&s,t);
00423 }
00425 /*
00426  * Returns in tt the transposed matrix of t.
00427 */
00428 void HTransformTranspose(THTransform *t, /*Input matrix*/
00429                          THTransform *tt /*Resulting matrix (Transposed of the input one)*/
00430                          )
00431 {
00432   THTransform t4;
00433   unsigned int i,j;
00435   for(i=0;i<(DIM_SP+1);i++)
00436     {
00437       for(j=0;j<(DIM_SP+1);j++)
00438         t4[i][j]=(*t)[j][i];
00439     }
00441   MATRIX_INT_COPY(*tt,&t4);
00442 }
00444 /*
00445  * Returns in t the result of multiplying t by a translation matrix with
00446  * parameters tx, ty, tz.
00447  *       t=t*HTransformTxyz(tx,ty,tz)
00448  *
00449  * Actually HTransformTxyz is not used and the product is done in a very efficient way.
00450  * This functions allows sequences of transformations to be concatened very fast.  
00451  */
00452 void HTransformAcumTrans(double tx, /*Translation along the x axis*/
00453                          double ty, /*Translation along the y axis*/
00454                          double tz, /*Translation along the z axis*/
00455                          THTransform *t /*Input and resulting matrix after the accumulation of the translation*/
00456                          )
00457 {
00458   unsigned int i;
00460   for(i=0;i<AXIS_H;i++)
00461     (*t)[i][AXIS_H]=(*t)[i][AXIS_X]*tx+(*t)[i][AXIS_Y]*ty+(*t)[i][AXIS_Z]*tz+(*t)[i][AXIS_H];
00462 }
00464 /*
00465  * The same as HTransformAcumTrans but with the input different from the output
00466  */
00467 void HTransformAcumTrans2(THTransform *t_in, /*The input matrix*/
00468                           double tx, /*Translation along the x axis*/
00469                           double ty, /*Translation along the y axis*/
00470                           double tz, /*Translation along the z axis*/
00471                           THTransform *t /*Resulting matrix after the accumulation of the translation*/
00472                           )
00473 {
00474   if (t!=t_in)
00475     MATRIX_INT_COPY(t,t_in);
00476   HTransformAcumTrans(tx,ty,tz,t);
00477 }
00479 /*
00480  * Returns in t the result of multiplying t by a rotations matrix for and angle
00481  * with sinus s and cosinus c around the axis indicated by the parameter type (RX,RY,RZ)
00482  *       t=t*HTransformCreate(type,atan2(s,c))
00483  */
00484 void HTransformAcumRot(unsigned int type, /*Type of rotation matrix (RX,RY,RZ)*/
00485                        double s,          /*value of the sinus of the angle to be rotated*/
00486                        double c,          /*value of the cosinus of the angle to be rotated*/
00487                        THTransform *t         /*Input and resulting matrix after the accumulation of the translation*/
00488                        )
00489 {
00490   unsigned int i;
00491   double aux;
00493   switch(type)
00494     {
00495     case RX:
00496       for(i=0;i<AXIS_H;i++)
00497         {
00498           aux=(*t)[i][AXIS_Y];
00499           (*t)[i][AXIS_Y]= aux*c+(*t)[i][AXIS_Z]*s;
00500           (*t)[i][AXIS_Z]=-aux*s+(*t)[i][AXIS_Z]*c;
00501         }
00502       break;
00503     case RY:
00504       for(i=0;i<AXIS_H;i++)
00505         {
00506           aux=(*t)[i][AXIS_X];
00507           (*t)[i][AXIS_X]=aux*c-(*t)[i][AXIS_Z]*s;
00508           (*t)[i][AXIS_Z]=aux*s+(*t)[i][AXIS_Z]*c;
00509         }
00510       break;
00511     case RZ:
00512       for(i=0;i<AXIS_H;i++)
00513         {
00514           aux=(*t)[i][AXIS_X];
00515           (*t)[i][AXIS_X]= aux*c+(*t)[i][AXIS_Y]*s;
00516           (*t)[i][AXIS_Y]=-aux*s+(*t)[i][AXIS_Y]*c;
00517         }
00518       break;
00519     default:
00520       Error("Non rotation matrix type in function HTransformAcumRot");
00521       break;
00522     }
00523 }
00524 /*
00525  * The same as HTransformAcumRot but with the input different from the output
00526  */
00527 void HTransformAcumRot2(THTransform *t_in,     /*input matrix*/
00528                         unsigned int type, /*Type of rotation matrix (RX,RY,RZ)*/
00529                         double s,          /*value of the sinus of the angle to be rotated*/
00530                         double c,          /*value of the cosinus of the angle to be rotated*/
00531                         THTransform *t         /*Resulting matrix after the accumulation of the translation*/
00532                         )   
00533 {  
00534   if (t!=t_in)
00535     MATRIX_INT_COPY(t,t_in); 
00536   HTransformAcumRot(type,s,c,t);
00537 }
00539 void HTransformApply(double *p_in,double *p_out,THTransform *t)
00540 {
00541   unsigned int i,j;
00542   double pAux[3];
00544   for(i=0;i<DIM_SP;i++)
00545     {
00546       pAux[i]=(*t)[i][AXIS_H]; /*The homogeneous term*/
00548       for(j=0;j<DIM_SP;j++)
00549         pAux[i]+=((*t)[i][j]*p_in[j]);
00550     }
00552   p_out[0]=pAux[0];
00553   p_out[1]=pAux[1];
00554   p_out[2]=pAux[2];
00555 }
00557 /*
00558  * Prints matrix t on file f
00559  */
00560 void HTransformPrint(FILE *f,   /*File*/
00561                      THTransform *t /*matrix to be printed*/
00562                      )
00563 {
00564   unsigned int i,j;
00566   for(i=0;i<DIM_SP+1;i++)
00567     {
00568       for(j=0;j<(DIM_SP+1);j++)
00569         {
00570           fprintf(f,"%f ",(*t)[i][j]);
00571         }
00572       fprintf(f,"\n");
00573     }
00574 }
00576 /*
00577  * Prints the transposed of matrix t on file f.
00578  * This is useful to print homogeneous transform in the Geomview way
00579  * Geomview uses row vectors. In this way what for column vectors
00580  * (the usual ones!) is
00581  *                A x 
00582  *  becomes
00583  *                (A x)^t= x^t A^t
00584  *  This is way we print A^t instead of A.
00585  */  
00586 void HTransformPrintT(FILE *f,   /*File*/
00587                       THTransform *t /*matrix to be transposed and printed*/
00588                       )
00589 {
00590   unsigned int i,j;
00592   for(i=0;i<(DIM_SP+1);i++)
00593     {
00594       for(j=0;j<DIM_SP+1;j++)
00595         {
00596           fprintf(f,"%f ",(*t)[j][i]);
00597         }
00598     }
00599 }
00602 /*
00603  * Deletes a matrix structure
00604  */
00605 void HTransformDelete(THTransform *t /*HTransform to be deleted*/
00606                       )
00607 {}