Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial
KRD Group

The CuikSuite Project

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
TboxA box
TbranchA kinematic branch
TBranchStepA step in a kinematic branch
TbufA node in a list
TcolorA color
TconstantA constant
TconstantsA table of constants
TcpolyhedronA convex polyhedron
TCuikPlayControlDefinition of the cuikplay control structure
TCuikSystemA cuiksystem, i.e., a set of variables and equations defining a position analysis problem
TequationAn equation
TequationInfoInformation associated with each equation in the equation set
TequationsSet of equations
TexprExpressions that appear in the constant declarations are either variables (and have and name) or constants (and have a value)
TfilenameData structure to hold the information about the name of a file
TheapA generic binary heap
THTransformA homgeneous transform in R^3
TintervalDefines a interval
TiteratorList iterator
TjointRelation between two links
TKinTreeNodeInformation stored in each node of a kinematic tree
TLinearConstraintA linear constraint with an associated error
TlinkInformation about each rigid part of a mechanisms
TlistA generic list
TmappingMapping between the sets of variables in two different cuiksystems
TmechanismA mechanism description
TmonomialA scaled product of powers of variables
TparameterInformation about a single parameter
TparametersA table of parameters
TplotA 2D plot
Tplot3dA 3D plot
TSimplexA simplex tableau structure
TstatisticsStatistics associated with a solving process
TvariableData associated with each variable in the problem
Tvariable_setA set of variable indexes with powers
TvariablesSet of variables of a cuiksystem
TvectorA generic vector
TworldInformation to generate equations from high level link descriptions