Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial
KRD Group

The CuikSuite Project File Reference

An industrial Serial6R mechanism. More...

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Detailed Description


This file is an example of how to model real robots in the CuikSuite. The Staubli RX60 robot arm is a 6R loop with the following Denavit-Hartenberg parameters:

i $d_i$ $a_i$



0 0



$a_2$ 0



0 $d_3$



$d_4$ 0



0 0



- - -

The Denavit-Hartenberg parameters for this robot can be easily interpreted with the help of this figure


To match this figure with the formulation, take into account that in the formulation Solid0 is the base link and Solid6 is the EndEfector plus the hand (that is fixed with respect to the EndEfector)

The parameters in the last row of the table are given by the desired position for the hand at the end of the robot and the robot's base. In the formulation this is not given in the form of Denavit-Hartenberg parameters but directly as an homogeneous transform from the base to the hand.

Note that the range limitations of the RX60 are not introduced in this formulation (althoug it is easy to do it).

Introduce the range limitations for each one of the degrees of freedom of the Staubli RX60.

See DoubleButterfly for an extensive step-by-step explanation of how to perform position analysis and path planning within the CuikSuite. Next, we briefly enumerate those steps:

  • Generate the equations: Execute
  • Solve the positional analysis problem: Execute
    • cuik examples/Serial6R/Serial6RRX60_kin
    First, you have to generate a _kin.param parameter file, for instance, copying the Serial6RRX60.param.
  • Examine the solutions:
    • Inspect the resulting solution file (Serial6RRX60_kin.sol) with the original set of equations, the simplified set, the set of solutions and the statistics on the solving proces.
    • Generate 3d projections of the solution points with cuikplot3d.
    • Generate snapshots of the valid poses of the 6R chain using cuikanimate. For this it is better to store one solution at a time in a temporal sol file. In this case the animation produces a still image (otherwise the animation jumps between the valid, disconnected configurations).

Definition in file