
The KIT swiss knife gripper for disassembly tasks: a multi-functional gripper for bimanual manipulation with a single arm

Conference Article


IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)





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This work presents the concept of a robotic gripper designed for the disassembly of electromechanical devices that comprises several innovative ideas. Novel concepts include the ability to interchange built-in tools without the need to grasp them, the ability to reposition grasped objects in-hand, the capability of performing classic dual arm manipulation within the gripper and the utilization of classic industrial robotic arms kinematics within a robotic gripper. We analyze state of the art grippers and robotic hands designed for dexterous in-hand manipulation and extract common characteristics and weak points. The presented concept is obtained from the task requirements for disassembly of electromechanical devices and it is then evaluated for general purpose grasping, in-hand manipulation and operations with tools. We further present the CAD design for a first prototype.


industrial robots, manipulators.

Author keywords

Gripper design, electric device disassembly

Scientific reference

J. Borràs, R. Heudorfer, S. Rader, P. Kaiser and T. Asfour. The KIT swiss knife gripper for disassembly tasks: a multi-functional gripper for bimanual manipulation with a single arm, 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2018, Madrid, Spain, pp. 4590-4597.