
iCub platform IIT workshop in Genova

Technical Report (2010)

IRI code



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This document outlines the most important concepts presented during a workshop about the iCub robot done at the Instituto Italiano di Technologia in Genova. Mechanical, electronic as well as rmware and software issues are presented, and the basic procedures to detect and solve the most common problems are described. The most important goal of this workshop was to get the necessary skills to perform the most basic maintenance of the robot without having to depend on the support from IIT. Also a brief introduction to the main issues of the control of the robot were provided.



Scientific reference

S. Hernández and G. Alenyà. iCub platform IIT workshop in Genova. Technical Report IRI-TR-10-04, Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial, CSIC-UPC, 2010.