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Motor Functions

This set of functions allow to command the motors of the robot at different levels of abstraction.

void set_angle (unsigned int leg,unsigned int joint,double angle,t_robot *r)

Moves the indicated joint of the given leg to position angle. If the angle is out of the mechanical limits of the motor the leg is not moved. The bounds of each motor are indicated by the user in the robot configuration file.

void set_leg_position (unsigned int leg,double *position,t_robot *r)

Moves the leg to the given position expressed in the particular leg frame of reference. If the position is out of the workspace the leg is not moved.

void set_position (unsigned int leg,double *position,t_robot *r)

Moves the leg to the given position expressed in the frame of reference attache to the robot's body.. If the position is out of the workspace the leg is not moved.

void leg_to_ground (unsigned int leg,t_robot *r)

Descend the leg until the ground is touched. If the ground is not reachable, the leg is not moved.

void move_to (unsigned int leg,double *position,unsigned int tick,t_robot *r)

Takes the leg to the given position in tick time slices. The leg is moved a fixed distance each time slice until the target is reached or until the next aimed position is out of the workspace. The leg is moved from the start position to the final one in straight line (in Cartesian coordinates, not in angular ones).

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Josep M. Porta Pleite