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Manage Landmarks Panel


This option allows to add, delete, and move landmarks. The landmarks management panel (figure 2.20) displays the list of the current landmarks and provides the following tools:

A double click over a landmark identifier opens a panel showing the information relative to the corresponding landmark (identifier and position). This panel is similar to the move landmark sub-panel of figure 2.22 (but in this case no data can be modified) and can be closed with the corresponding Hide button.

Figure 2.20: The manage landmarks sub-panel. 
\includegraphics [scale=0.65]{images/manage_landmarks.eps}

Figure 2.21: The new landmark sub-panel. 
\includegraphics [scale=0.65]{images/new_landmark.eps}

Figure 2.22: The move landmark sub-panel. 
\includegraphics [scale=0.65]{images/move_landmark.eps}

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Josep M. Porta Pleite