Basic Contacts and Applicability Conditions

There are two types of basic contacts, vertex - face and edge - edge, in terms of which any other contact between the features of polyhedra can be expressed. For example, the contact between an edge and a face can be expressed as two vertex (endpoints of the edge) - face contacts. For each basic contact there is a mathematical relationship that expresses whether the contact is actually possible, for a given relative orientation between two convex polyhedra, if the necessary translations are performed, or not.

Vertex - Face

The contact between vertex v and face f is applicable iff
< vi - v, f > >= 0, for all vi adjacent to v.

Edge - edge

The contact between edge e0 and edge e1 is applicable iff
ka < > kb,
where ka = sign(< T1 , fp >) = sign(< T2 , fp >),
and kb = sign(< T3 , fp >) = sign(< T4 , fp >),
with Ti = si·(fi X e0), fi adjacent to e0,
and Tj = sj·(fj X e1), fj adjacent to e1;
si, sj in {+1, -1} such that Tl is oriented towards the interior of face fl;
and fp = e0 X e1 (or the opposite direction, the choice is arbitrary). aplicable2.gif

Pablo Jimenez Schlegl
Last modified: Mon Apr 8 12:19:00 MET DST 2002